FSC is the core lib of filesite.io, a small PHP Framework.
Please put controller files in the directory controller/, which are extends from the base Controller.
Please name public actions like actionIndex in your controller file, which are using the prefix action.
Please put layout files in the directory views/layout/, and create diretories for your views, such as views/site/.
Please set configs in the file conf/app.php.
You can use FSC::$app['config']
in controller and views.
Example in views:
You can pass parameters to view with an array, like:
$viewName = 'index';
$params = compact('foo', 'bar');
return $this->render($viewName, $params);
And you can visit parameters with the variable $viewData
in views.
Example in view:
echo "I'm foo {$viewData['foo']}.";
You can add functions in the command controller controller/CommandController.php
and run the command to execute it:
php bin/command.php
php bin/command.php "test" "foo=bar"
Please check the file Nginx.conf.md